Services – Presence

Your business needs a clear and confident voice. Develop your company’s “digital real estate,” build a brand worth remembering, convert customers to champions of your cause, and make sure everybody knows your name. After all, if a tree falls in the woods …


Starting a small business is a lot of work.  Get the help you need to plan your new business, launch it, and start your entrepreneurial journey off with confidence.


Your company is looking good, but since when was “good” good enough?  Fine-tune your processes, patch any holes in your strategy, and kick your business into overdrive.


Is your small business struggling?  Our experts will help discover the root of the issues your firm is facing and provide targeted solutions to get things back on track.


Marketing & Sales Services

  • Customer Feedback Management
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Customer Service Enhancement
  • Marketing Plan
  • Marketing Strategy Development
  • Sales Channel Analysis
  • Sales Coaching & Development
  • Sales Material Design
  • Sales Process Analysis & Development
  • SEO Advising
  • Website Development & Design (for SEO)

What it Means to Consult for Presence


Marketing and Sales – these are the two ways people are going to know you exist.  Really developing a presence is more than just advertising: it’s making sure you know what your “day in the marketplace” is going to look like from start to finish and making it easy for the right people to pick you out of the crowd; it’s giving your representatives the tools to represent you positively and in a way that makes people want to find you; and it’s listening actively to the “buzz” you’ve generated so you can see how you’re doing.


Our experts will help you carve out a you-shaped space in the market by:

  • developing your digital marketing channels to help you keep up with an ever-changing and largely digital market, including full website design and hosting for SEO
  • tailoring a marketing strategy that fits your firm and paves the way for an effective marketing plan and a strong brand
  • revamping your sales process and providing specialized training for your representatives to increase conversion, decrease friction, and do so ethically
  • giving you the tools and knowledge to harness customer feedback and make targeted improvements to your customer experience so you can create brand ambassadors instead of one-time buyers

Processes & Features

What to Expect From Us


There is no single correct answer when it comes to marketing – it’s all about what you’re trying to accomplish, and fit.  We’ll need to talk to upper-level folks to determine what value your product or service is offering so we can help you figure out who wants it, where to put it, and how to get it there.  If we’re designing your digital presence, we’ll be asking a lot of questions to make sure our designs are in line with your desires and expectations.

You can expect questions focusing on the offerings of the company, any market research that you’ve done or experienced, and your current marketing and sales channels.  In exchange you’ll get insights from our angle on your efforts and how to improve them.


Deliverables & Assets

There are two main types of assets you’ll receive in this department; reports and a product/service.  Reports will be more of a focus if we are assisting with market research, SEO audits, etc.  If we’re building you a website or developing your other marketing channels, you’ll receive the assets from them such as credentials, reviews, and valuable features as applicable.

You can expect to have at least one hard-copy or digital report or document we’ve created, depending on the service, continuous service updates if you opt into our hosting for SEO, or a high-powered and eye-catching website if you are serious about stepping up your long-term digital marketing strategy.


Training & Coaching

As the world continues to shift and change, it is imperative that we adapt our knowledge and skills to accommodate for these changes.  For your owner or web administrator, it’s a very good idea to get some training on how to properly handle customer feedback, both positive and negative, in the digital age.  For your sales team, training in ethical sales practices (such as sales as a discovery process) is essential in order to have a fighting chance selling to future generations who place heavy emphasis on ethics and authenticity. 

You can expect to set aside some time for key members to be coached on best practices, to be familiarized with essential processes, and to apply the skills and knowledge hands-on. 


Materials & Supplies

What We’ll Need From You


Developing a tangible business presence is one of the single most demanding parts of doing business, so we’re going to need some resources to work with.  Whether you’re getting a high-powered E-commerce website built or seeking leads with ad campaigns, you’ll have to put some money in to get some out.


Many people have surprisingly simple intentions when it comes to such topics as digital marketing and social media.  However, the actual landscape of marketing is surprisingly complex, and often very misunderstood.  We’ll be very clear about what you can reasonably expect to put into and get out of these areas, and we’ll need you to commit to realistic expectations and clear communication of your goals.


The key here is to have an open mind – marketing and sales are all about seeing you not as you see yourself, but as your clients see you.  That means you may be presented with ideas you haven’t considered before, or maybe even ruled out because they didn’t fit your vision.  We’ll need you to be honest about your black-and-white boundaries, but flexible with the shades of gray in between.


Service Area includes Denver


Service Area includes Lakewood


Service Area includes Littleton


Service Area includes Golden


Service Area includes Arvada


Service Area includes Morrison


Service Area includes Englewood


Service Area includes Evergreen

Greenwood Village

Service Area includes Greenwood Village

Ken Caryl

Service Area includes Ken Caryl

Highlands Ranch

Service Area includes Highlands Ranch


Service Area includes Westminster


Service Area includes Aurora


Service Area includes Parker


Service Area includes Broomfield

Contact Us  -  FREE  1-Hour Consultation

Got questions?  Call, text, or email our experts for answers or to schedule an hour of FREE business consulting!

(303) 620-6591

Serving Denver, CO and the Greater Denver Metro Area

M-F: 9am-5pm, S-S: Closed